Thursday, July 10, 2008

Orphaned in Africa

Kids are the future and the kids of South Africa can bring a great change to the community despite their shattered upbringing. You don’t know the story behind most of the kids, but you do know it is mostly tragic. A lot of these kids were left orphaned as a result of AIDS. Some were pulled from alcoholic and abusive parents. Whatever the case, they are without parents in one of the weakest economic areas in all of South Africa.

Our goal here is to end that trend. AIDS leaves more and more victims every day. As a result, the number of orphaned children only increases. We believe we have the tools to bring that devastation to an end. Education is the future.

These kids are so beautiful and each has his or her own story. Nane loves books and wristwatches. Sya loves frisbee and rocks. Colin loves handshakes, music and basketball. Syando loves cards and sugar cane. Mandla loves dribbling the soccer ball. Mfundo loves to teach me words in Zulu. Raah loves geometry textbooks.

All of these kids are innocent products of a broken or dysfunctional upbringing. They have more love than I have ever seen. I thought I would come out here to Africa and love on some kids. I have, but nothing can compare with the love they bestow on me. Their love is unconditional and innocent and pure and beautiful.

Nothing brightens up my day more than a kid who comes up and smiles and gives me a big hug. This program can help these kids rise above their affliction and pain. With a few people to get things running and spread some love, this community can become one that is not affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

These kids have given me more love than I can give to them. I feel so blessed by these kids. They have done more for me in these first few weeks than I can explain or even comprehend.

Love someone and you will change their life as well as your own.