Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hulk (2003)

With the return of "The Incredible Hulk" this week, I decided to sit down and watch the most recent "Hulk" directed by oscar winner Ang Lee of "Brokeback Mountain." I thought this movie was pretty good when I saw it the first time in theaters.

Rewatching it, I have decided it has the best comic book feel of all these Marvel movies. The reason: the editing. It was very interesting how the filmmakers used clips to give it that comic feel. There were tons of crazy cuts, zooms and edits. It must have been a laborious task.

Picture the movie screen as a three dimensional cube. On almost every movie, we only see the one side of the cube and therefore never know it is actually a cube. "Hulk" defies the standard technique. Many times the cube rotates to a different side and we see a new clip. Very interesting. Just used to give it that comic feel.

This film was panned by critics as being too serious and dramatic for a super hero movie. I guess that is kind of true, but I enjoyed the change of pace compared to X-Men and Spiderman.

I love Eric Bana in the Bruce Banner role. He really was a terrific cast and he plays the part beautifully (I don't know if I can say the same of Edward Norton). You also have to love Jennifer Connelly (she is just downright gorgeous) and Nick Nolte was a good cast.

The acting wasn't the best and at times I thought I was watching a day time soap. The action was amazing despite the Hulk looking "too fake" according to die hards. The dog fight and the escape in the desert were visually terrific.

My big question: What was with the final battle? It seemed a bit too extreme and over the top? I guess that is what all super hero movies are.

The Hulk is one of my favorite characters because I wish I could turn into something huge and terrifying (and green) when I get angry. I get angry far too often so I'm sure I would be a permanent Hulk.

This movie's ending leaves it open for a sequel, but the lackluster box office performance led to scrapping the project. They, however, decided to resurrect the project just five years later. Quite a bold move because people still remember this one. They claim it to be a sequel/remake.

No Connelly, no Bana and no Nolte. O, and no Ang Lee (who, yes, is a great director). I don't know. We'll see. The action better be too die for.

"You're making me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

3.5 of 5

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