Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Get Out and Vote

To all those hesitant about stepping off of your porch and voting, hear this: Those who don't vote extinguish their very right to life.

Where do you come from? Not city, not state, what is your lineage? The truth is we all come from the same place. We are all here because of the brave men who stood up to tyranny and set up their own country that promised life, liberty, and the pursuit of not just happiness, but the pursuit of whatever you please.

The sacrifice these heroes laid down is something that should not go unnoticed. Many fought and died for the freedom of their children and their grandchildren and their grandchildren. Too many have fought and died to maintain a free country for today's society to not participate in the voting process.

The idea of free election and democracy is the most fundamental form of freedom. The forefathers set up a nation that could run itself and maintain the greatest right of people, to be free. As people, we deserve to be free and America has provided it for its people and for those that seek shelter.

So, not as a challenge from me but as a challenge from those that died to preserve your freedom, go vote. It is the single most American thing that you could possibly partake in. As a debt to your forefathers, it is your obligation to partake in the voting process.

Saying you are tired of political dissension or that you just don't care is foolish. You should care what happens around you. Whether you like it or not, the policies of office-holders directly affect your everyday life. Do not be lazy and do not exert apathy. It does nothing for you.

Search the candidates, pick the one YOU like most, and vote. Don't pick a candidate that the news says is best or the one that is favored. Pick the one with the best policies and ideals.

Challenge the political leaders and change the world. If you don't like the views of any candidates, then work your way into a position to change the United States and change the world. Thanks to those before us, we enjoy a free society.

It is your God-given right and your obligation to vote.

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